Monday, August 31, 2009

The Death of Big Business

Big Business in the 21st century is beginning to bleed heavily from the neck.

This is a huge statement for anyone to make, but stopping and looking around at the climate of big industry you will soon discover examples everywhere.

For decades now Big Business has slowly found its way into every area of our lives. There are some positive side effects of Big Business, however with all the latest downsizing and corporate bungles the negatives are fast over taking the positives.

Along with Big Business you get their Big Ego Mentality:

  • “don’t you know who we are”
  • “we know what’s best”

The stupidity of Big Business ...

Forget about the economy and how bad the government is telling us things are yet to become, stop for one moment and see the stupidity and wastage of the corporate fat cats.

An Example of the Stupidity of Big Business...

One of my in-laws (let's call him Fred) was responsible for running the floor of a factory for a small business who had grown to turn over $200,000 worth of fresh food product each week through his section alone.

With over 16 years of experience on the floor he was answerable only to the owners of the business, his position was that important to the success and continued success of the business that many business decisions would also include his input.

Even as a small business it was at the top of the preferred list for supply of fresh produce, and as such it was a thorn in the side of big business.

With an offer of a cool 10 million the owners sold their Small Business which they had grown to turn over in a week the same amount they use to turn over in a year.

So what did this corporate company do with this business and the other 2 businesses they acquired at the same time ???...

They came in with there big business stupidity stating "we know best" and by not listening to those who had been on the floor for over 16 years they have ended up killing 2 of the 3 businesses and the last remaining entity is dying quickly...

That's over 20 million dollars which they will no doubt write of stating the global economy when it was really global big business stupidity..

if you want to read the full article please follow me to enzinearticles and read the article on "The Global Stupidity of Big Business"
