Monday, August 31, 2009

Small Business Testimonials

The EasyAs Small Business Accounting and Bookkeeping software is fast becoming one of the most sort after programs of Small Business.

The Testimonials speak for themselves. We receive many comments every week about how grateful clients are for the simplicity of the software.

Here is a copy of our most recent Testimonial:

When I started Affordable Web Graphics by Design, I knew I was going to need a program that would take care of all of my accounting needs easily and proficiently.

So, I began my search by googling "account software for dummies". Well needless to say there was quit a long list of programs that claimed to be "easy". I began my free trial download excursion to find my easy software. Well the more I tried the more discouraged I got.

Most programs were to heavy or took a masters degree to operate. Finally, one day I saw a search result that simply stated "EasyAs Accounting Software". So I thought what the heck, another free trial download won't hurt.

All I have to do is plug my numbers and information in and EasyAs takes care of the rest for me. This program takes care of everything I need as a small business owner! I even went as far as sending them an email stating they misnamed the program; should be: EasyAs Accounting for DUMMIES, make the label Yellow/Black!

you can see more client testimonials by going direct to our testimonial page
